I had just dropped off Malaika, my best friend who I had just found out that she had breast cancer and was going through an emotional time. Her last words were, “I am scared”; My last words were, “A better tomorrow, I pray things get better with the chemotherapy. Call me anytime to come get you if you need me to”. She gives me hug and gets down, I tear up a little bit as I pull off. I turn on the radio:

“The world won’t get no better, if we just let it be. The world won’t get no better, we gotta change it yeah, just you and me

While I listened to this song, thinking about my last words “A better tomorrow”, I notice a strange red car that had been following me for a while now.–Pretty much making every turn that I make.– At the stop sign, I signal left, he signals left too, but I turn right into the gas station pretending I had to get gas. The red ford disappears. Regardless, I walk into to the gas station to by time.–Sorry I never told you who I was.

My name is Ola, I am young Black man who works three jobs to take care of my 7year old daughter and I. Her mother passed away during birth. I was just on my way to pick her up from her grand-moms house before the whole red car incidence.–Anyway as I walked back to my vehicle, and clearing my thoughts, all of a sudden I am surrounded with blue, red flashing lights in my face, siren sounds all over my ears as if I had my ‘Beats by Dre headphones’ on; In the mist of my shock and confusion, my phone begins to vibrate as well in my pocket,-Ohh shit it’s Malaika, I thought to myself.– Disarrayed, I reach in my pocket to pull out my phone.–pow pow pow!, I am falling to my back in slow motion, my phone spinning in the air…

Wake up, wake up!

It was only a dream, I was in bed and my daughter was right beside me, waking me up as she had made breakfast for daddy in bed. How sweet, rechts? But the reality is, this is a reality for most of us. We never know what tomorrow holds never know if we will make it through the storm everyday. Especially now a days with all these violence and all these diseases that are man made to control the world. From my position, we still ain’t got a pot to piss in. The world won’t get no better If we just let it be.

I swear this song just put me in tears and thoughts as a Black man who although is doing much to get by and feed his daughter, is always shadowed with thoughts and fear in my neighborhood. I kiss my daughter and tell her I love her, look in my mothers eyes like it is always my last but say see you soon. When I get back I just go on my knees to thank my God that I just made it through another day. This is the reality of almost every young black man who is in a position like me; Trying to get by when the system does not help up get by. “The world won’t get no better, if we just let it be. The world won’t get no better, we gotta change it yeah, just you and me

“A Better Tomorrow”

Wu-Tang Clan just put me in tears with "A Better Tomorrow"

Wu-Tang Clan zet me in tranen met “A Better Tomorrow”

Geïnspireerd door Bob Marley's filosofie "Niemand anders dan onszelf kan onze geest te bevrijden", Orijin is een unieke "Cultuur Brand" het aansluiten van alle Afrikaanse afstammelingen samen door het Modemerk en uitdagende tijdschrift om onze levensstijl wereldwijd beïnvloeden ... .Don't gewoon dragen Cultuur, SHARE Cultuur

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"Ik kan de wereld niet veranderen, maar ik geloof dat ik kan een positieve invloed hebben op de ene persoon naar de andere persoon te motiveren hebben, een verandering beïnvloeden. Ik denk dat jij en ik de wereld kan inspireren."

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  1. Pingback: Not So Black And White, Is It? [Spoken Word Video]

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