Just found the right guy for bad energy, 人. After watching this video, I have a few crafty tricks up my sleeve for a friend of mine whom I believe needs this cultural experience. 老老实实, I just want to set up some naive, ignorant person who does not try to get out of his culture box. There is so much to learn from this world but we seem to stick to a certain group and condemn what we are not accustomed to. Yep! Sending that person to this cosmic barber in India for a head massage– 毕竟, a friend indeed is a friend in need. 无论如何, just in case you are also culture curious, below is some knowledge about the 7 Chakras, Baba the barber practices to cleanse his customers with his massages.

What is Chakra?

According to the Indian Hindu culture Chakra are the energy points within our bodies where energy channels through. There are Seven Chakra energy points within our body where the energy flows through.These seven Chakras have the power valves to let in energy or let out energy.

1st Chakra is the Root Chakra – The foundation– an Energy point located at the bottom spines, has the healing power to survive.

2nd Chakra is the Abdomen Chakra also known as the Sacral Chakra –an Energy point located at the lower abdomen. The healing power to connect with ourselves and others. accepting people, things, experiences and life changes.Emotions, content, 乐趣.

3rd Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra – an Energy point located at the upper abdomen. The healing power of being in-control of our selves and our destiny. Confidence, Self-Freedom, Identity stability, ability to do what we put our minds to.

4th Chakra is the Heart Chakra -an Energy point located at the center point of the chest, right above the heart. The healing power of love peace and happiness. The power to be compassionate.

5th Chakra is the Throat Chakra – an Energy point located at the throat. The healing power of self-expression, to speak and be understood. Communication, voicing out feelings.

6th Chakra is the third Eye Chakra -an Energy point located at the center of the forehead between the eyes. The healing power to see beyond, visualize, focus, 沉思, think and make choices and decide.Intuition

7th Chakra
is the Crown Chakra – an Energy considered the highest Chakra located at the top of our headsThe healing power to of spiritual connectivity. Connection with our inner souls.knowledge , widom, pure.



不是你经常理发. Washes away bad energy tooo

由鲍勃·马利的理念启发“,但没有自己可以解放我们的头脑”, Orijin是一种独特的“文化品牌”的所有非洲人后裔连接在一起,通过它的 时尚品牌 与耐人寻味的杂志影响我们的生活方式世界各地的... .D​​on't刚穿文化, 分享文化.

"我不能改变这个世界,但我相信我可以对一个人产生积极的影响,激励他人, 影响的变化. 我相信你,我可以激励世界。"

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