Nigerian President Umaru Yar’Adua died Wednesday after a long illness battle. He was 58years old. The government announced a seven day dedication of national mourning, completing it with a presidential burial next week Thursday, May 13th, 2010, at his home state of Katsina. Earlier this morning (Thursday, May 6th 2010), Nigerian media waves were interrupted to announce the news to its citizens.

The late President Yar’Adua, came into power in 2007. With all due respect, we will refrain from speaking about his political life. This is not a time for Politics, this is not a time to talk about what he did right and what he did wrong. This is a time to show our respect and condolences to his family.

The Vice-President Goodluck Jonathan who was sworn in as head of state after this tragedy stated, “Nigeria has lost the jewel on its crown and even the heavens mourn with our nation tonight,”.

President Obama in tribute to the late president, statedPresident Yar’Adua’s profound personal decency and integrity, his deep commitment to public service, and his passionate belief in the vast potential and bright future of Nigeria’s 150 million people

From Orijin to the brothers and sisters of Nigeria, our heart and prayers are with you in this tough times. May his soul rest in peace.

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