Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Amber Rose Gets Schooled by Local Ghanaians 13 jaar, 5 months ago
There are copious amounts of scientific research proving that human beings orijinated in Africa and migrated across the world. As we migrated, our features changed, thereby enabling us to better acclimate to our new environments. While initial research indicated that we orijinated in Northern Africa, recent scientific research has show that human orijins began on […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: “Things Fall Apart” for 50 Cent: Chinua Achebe Blocks Movie Title 13 jaar, 6 months ago
My university years were characterized by my internal struggle to find myself. Who knew that choosing courses was more than just ‘getting’ an education and a good job? This internal struggle was caused by a yearning to learn more about myself and my culture. I remember this ‘white’ girl talking to a classmate about Africa […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Expression of Self Hate? Vybz Kartel Launches Skin Bleaching Line 13 jaar, 6 months ago
In our April-March 2011 Origin Magazine issue we addressed the issue of skin bleaching in the Africa and the detrimental affects it can have. Keeping this article in mind, it comes as a surprise that international reggae superstar Vybz Kartel has announced the launching of his new skin care line of products called ‘OH.’ The […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: “Doe het als De Man Dem”: YAA Asantewaa [Koningin Moeder van Ejisu] 13 jaar, 6 months ago
Op de vraag "wat voordeel hebben vrouwen meer dan mannen?", onlangs kraaide Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes verklaarde dat "vrouwen zijn krachtiger dan mannen… ze kunnen alles wat een man en meer kan doen. "Hoewel veel mannen waarschijnlijk afgeborsteld haar opmerkingen en in plaats daarvan koos om zich te concentreren op de schoonheid van de prachtige deelnemer, her comments were […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Untold geschiedenis achter Bangles (Handboeien): "Slavenhandel Money" om de must have accessoire 13 jaar, 6 months ago
Voor veel ouders met pasgeboren kinderen in het Caribisch gebied, het is een verwachte gift. Zo, winkelen voor een peuter doop of eerste verjaardag is niet een moeilijke taak. Terwijl men waardeert het gebaar van de koper of zilver, het goud de voorkeur. Elk kind draagt het tot zijn / haar pols ontgroeit het, echter, it is expected […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Remembering September 11, 2011: A Time for Reflection & Hope 13 jaar, 6 months ago
September 11 th, 2001 will forever remain entrenched in the minds of most Americans and the rest of the world as it remains a watershed event in modern-day history. It has been exactly three-thousand six-hundred fifty-two days since planes hijacked by the militant group al-Qaeda crashed into America’s most iconic and symbolic buildings – the Twin […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Waar is mijn “Honing & Melk”, In het buitenland of naar Huis? 13 jaar, 6 months ago
As immigrants from “developing” countries, many of us have left our home nations in search for a “better” life in the “developed” west. We predominantly settle in countries in Europe and North America as we have been conditioned to believe that these countries will enable us to attain a better quality of education, superior jobs […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Capoeira!: Reach out to Your Ancestry and Identity 13 jaar, 6 months ago
In de opbeurende documentaire 'Sloppenwijken, Drums en Capoeira ' Maestre Moraes verklaarde dat "Capoeira is voor mij een manier van leven. Waarbij je uit te reiken naar uw voorouders, en dus je identiteit. "Copoeira neemt vele titels. Het is een kunst, een dans, een vorm van martial arts, een krachtig medium van communicatie, een gevechtsvorm, ritme, […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Col Gaddafi a True African and ‘King of Kings?' 13 jaar, 6 months ago
Col Gaddafi was declared “king of kings” after a meeting this over 200 African Kings and traditional rulers in 2008. This rather grandiose title was bestowed upon the now ousted Libyan leader after his meeting with the respective leaders was filled with calls by Gaddafi for a ‘united Africa;’ one that will be an par […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: In Search of Orijin: Rastafari in Shashamane 13 jaar, 6 months ago
Psalms 68:31 proclaims that ‘Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.’ This biblical reference to the land of Ethiopia has been one of the main premises upon which Rastafarians have based their desire to go to Zion – a place of unity, peace and freedom; a place […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Leezza… Onmiskenbare aantrekkingskracht Een krachtige Black Woman's 13 jaar, 6 months ago
Terwijl veel gevonden humor in de ontdekking dat kolonel Kadhafi grote bewondering voormalige Amerikaanse. Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Condoleezza Rice, zijn bewondering spreekt boekdelen aan de aantrekkingskracht van vrouwen, vooral zwarte vrouwen, aan de macht. Toen Gaddafi verklaarde in een interview in 2007 dat "Ik steun mijn lieve zwarte Afrikaanse vrouw…. I admire and am very proud […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Quick Call a Dr. “Sexual Healing in de Afrikaanse diaspora” 13 jaar, 6 months ago
Ik herinner me dat het lezen van een kort artikel online over Rihanna's recente verschijning en deelname aan de jaarlijkse Kadooment viering van haar land en ik was verontwaardigd over de media reactie. Sommigen noemden haar kostuums en moves 'schandalige,’ ‘raunchy’ and ‘overly sexual.’ ‘Ignorance!'Ik verklaard. Voor mij, these responses are rooted in these people’s ignorance and their lack of knowledge […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: De Orijin of Lovers Rock riddimz: Feel Good 13 jaar, 6 months ago
One of South London’s biggest exports has been lover’s rock riddimz. While it was orijinally created to fit within the more conservative London reggae scene, lovers rock has become a staple of reggae music worldwide. Incorporating the smooth sounds of soul music and reggae baselines and riddimz, lovers rock tunes have emerged as one of […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Verworpen, zowel. Is Mixed Race “echt” beter? 13 jaar, 6 months ago
Is Mixed Race “echt” beter? Ik kwam over deze video door dr Aarathi Prasad die beweert de wetenschappelijke voordeel dat 'gemengd ras' te onderzoeken en stelt de vraag: "Het is beter om gemengd ras zijn?” As a ‘mixed-race’ person I couldn’t help but feel a bit ‘special’ at the notion that I might in some […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: From African Talking Drum to the Caribbean Steelpan 13 jaar, 6 months ago
Its commonplace on almost every Caribbean cruise; older men dressed in tropical shirts, hitting the sticks they hold in their hands against the corners of the shinny hollowed silver ‘bowls.’ To a large extent, these ‘bowls’ or steelpans have come to symbolize the Caribbean. Also referred to as ‘pans,’ steelpans orijinated in Trinidad and Tobago […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: "Obama Law": Modern Day imperialisme in Congo? 13 jaar, 7 months ago
On January 5th, 2010, the US congress, under the leaderships of President Obama, passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act. This Act, also known as the ‘Loi Obama’ or ‘Obama Law’ in the République démocratique du Congo (DRC), was put in place with a mandate “To promote the financial stability of the […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Why Cricket is the “real deal” in West Indies and not the football you love 13 jaar, 7 months ago
Bat Men: Fire in Babylon: Documenting how the Sport of Cricket Enabled the Emergence of African Pride and Culture in the West Indies I was 12 years old; my first year at a school in Canada and a friendly red-haired girl approached me. I was different. I had a funny accent and wore colourful clothing. […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: De strijd tegen Moeder Natuur in de Hoorn van Afrika 13 jaar, 7 months ago
While many political pundits like to add their input as to what they consider the main impediments to development in Africa (all of which ranges from corruption, impunity, exploitation, ect.), many often fail to take into account the most debilitating factor to African development – the weather. Much of Africa, particular the horn of African/Sub-Saharan […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Zijn Afrikanen en Caribische Genealogie Moreel Superieur? 13 jaar, 7 months ago
Een paar maanden geleden had ik het lef om dat porno suggereren gelegaliseerd zou moeten worden in Afrika en het Caribisch gebied. Mijn suggestie was in reactie op een recente publicatie waaruit bleek dat de porno-industrie is aan kracht te winnen in veel Afrikaanse landen, toch is illegaal in de meeste blijft. Porn is one of the biggest industries […]
Niet veranderen wrote a new blog post: Decoding the Sou-Sou Money [AKA Partna, box-hand] in Afrika & the Diaspora 13 jaar, 8 months ago
I remember watching one of the judge shows (I can’t recall which one) and the case involved two ladies; one of whom had defaulted on her contribution to the sou-sou hand. While I was a bit shocked at the woman breaching the trust essential to the sou-sou system, I also felt a sense of fear and […]
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