Active 6 mesi ago-
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Perché alcuni afro-americani non vanno in Africa… 13 anni, 3 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Ogni giorno in Africa, una gazzella si sveglia. 13 anni, 4 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Isaiah Washington: Tracciare le radici non è sufficiente 13 anni, 4 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Kuduro: Il Orijin di un popolare ritmo di fusione del Vecchio e del Nuovo 13 anni, 4 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Nelson Mandela on My Mind Today!!! 13 anni, 4 months ago
Se si parla di un uomo in una lingua a lui comprensibile, che va alla testa. Se gli parli nella sua lingua, che va al suo cuore.
Nelson Mandela -
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, A Letter to Mama Afrika in cielo: “Ti amo angelo” 13 anni, 4 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Riconoscendo i contributi degli immigrati, dei Caraibi e 13 anni, 4 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Chi era Joe Frazier fuori Ali?: “Gioia nel mezzo del dolore” 13 anni, 4 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Mamma ha reso. Chiamami DR. USAINE BOLT 13 anni, 4 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, il mio Orijin| Les Nubians 13 anni, 4 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Hai bisogno di un Fela Kuti nella tua vita… 13 anni, 5 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Is death the marketing tool for African musicians to be heard? 13 anni, 5 months ago
cadmin ha scritto un nuovo post, Awkward is the New Black: Introducing Issa Rae 13 anni, 5 months ago
cadmin wrote a new blog post: Keep Wangari’s Vision Alive: “The Heroine May Have Passed on, But Her Vision We Must Nurture” 13 anni, 5 months ago
If Kenya had a mother, Professor Wangari Maathai is the true mama Kenya; she fought for and served her children with courage. As the first woman in East and Central Africa to get a doctorate and the first African woman to win the Nobel peace prize, Wangari inspired many beyond the Kenyan borders. She was […]
cadmin wrote a new blog post: Unseen Spirit behind Leila Lopes on Sept.12, 2011: Angel Amílcar Cabral 13 anni, 6 months ago
Five contestants left. Let us see who will be crowned Miss Universe 2011 after the break: Brasile, Ukraine, China, Angola and Philippines. Within that few minutes of commercial, hearts pounded viciously, tangled thoughts played in minds of knowing the high possibility of a bias call versus the hope and prayers for a genuine call. “Angola, God please […]
cadmin wrote a new blog post: Rompere le barriere: Yves Tchouta , Regista cinematografico 13 anni, 7 months ago
Nato in Camerun, come un bambino, Vivida immaginazione di Yves Tchouta e talento per la scrittura lo ha portato a sognare sempre di un giorno in cui sarebbe stato in grado di portare le sue storie intricate di vita attraverso il cinema. Crescere in Belgio, such dreams motivated him to relocate to the United States where he saw opportunity to […]
cadmin wrote a new blog post: Mariam Makeba in my mind Today!!! 13 anni, 7 months ago
You are damned and praised, or encouraged or discouraged by those who listen to you, and those who come to applaud you. And to me, those people are very important. Miriam Makeba Allow the talks of people to influence your decision, but never let it make your decision. Always stay above what can be seen negative or even […]
cadmin wrote a new blog post: Stop speaking Vernacular in Class 13 anni, 7 months ago
“Please teacher somebody is speaking vernacular in class” Ama said. “Ehi!!! who is speaking vernacular?”, the teacher replied. With a smirk on her face, she points her finger at Yakubu. “Ohh!!! what did I say Ama? I don’t like that”, Yakubu replied back; scared and ready for war with his lie. Unfortunately, Olu heard it […]
cadmin wrote a new blog post: Etiopia: Keeping the culture Alive 13 anni, 8 months ago
Far from home, far from family and friends, far from developing their country due to various circumstances however they are keeping their culture Alive. Ethiopians in the USA started a tradition far back in the 80’s organizing a soccer tournament to bring Ethiopians together. This has grown from four teams to 28 teams nation wide […]
cadmin wrote a new blog post: Orijin’s 67 minuntes to Nelson Mandela 13 anni, 8 months ago
Today marks a special day to a person who I will consider the present father of Africa. An Icon and role model to many Africans around the world. Nelson Mandela celebrates his 93rd birthday today July 18. It is definitely a blessing to live this long and to witness the change that was well fought […]
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