Photo by Abdelhak Senna / AFP – Getty Images
België MP, LAURENT LOUIS, gaf een gepassioneerde toespraak over is verzet tegen het ondersteunen van oorlogsinspanningen in Mali.
In zijn toespraak, Louis verklaard:
“Flaunting and exposing this regime is a duty and makes me proud. And honestly, I apologize for my low-class speech, but f**k you all, the so-called do-gooders, both left and right wingers or from the center who are today licking the boots of our corrupted powers and who will be pleased to ridicule me.
“And it is for this reason that I have decided to clearly oppose this resolution that is sending our country to support France in its neo-colonialist operation. Since the beginning of the French operation, the lie is organized.”
“Another pretext used these recent months to justify military operations, is the protection of human rights. Ah! This pretext is still used today to justify the war in Mali.”
International involvement in domestic issues is always a sensitive and politically loaded issue. Echter, Mr. Louis’ position is not one that is often verbalized by Western/European politicians. I respect and admire Mr. Louis for standing up for what he believes in.
I would like to ASK:
Do you think his message calls for a global attention on neo-colonialism, what difference will it make?
Was this an appropriate time and place for him to express his views or did he go too far?

België MP, Laurent Louis against war in Mali and exposes Neo-colonialism…..© Image Globe

Marco Gualazzini for The New York Times

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