Akuzange kushintshe wrote a new post, ‘Elevate’ Africa: Will the next Michael Jordan come from Africa? 13 Eminyakeni, 4 months ago
We witnessed the power of sports in the West Indies when cricket was used as a vehicle for bringing about social change. Numerous professional basketball players in the US have also praised the power of sports […] -
Akuzange kushintshe wrote a new post, Child Rape: “After 12 ah lunch?” 13 Eminyakeni, 5 months ago
Akuzange kushintshe wrote a new blog post: Know the Maroons in Jamaica: Courage, Resistance & a Reclaiming of African Culture & Identity 13 Eminyakeni, 5 months ago
When the plantocracy embarked on the Akan region of West Africa, they specifically sought out and purchased ‘Koromantis’ (also referred to as Coromantees) because of their renowned characteristics of pride and discipline. While slave owners hoped that these aforementioned characteristics would make their newly acquired ‘property’ “good slaves” because they were known to be hard […]
- Hlohla Ngini
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