Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: “Africa: See You, See Me!” in China, ma… 13 anni, 10 months ago
Orijin Culture as you know, was created to change the dominant perception and portrayal of Africa as being a place plagued with constant civil wars, famine and rampant poverty. Invece, we have embarked on a mission to ensure that the unspoken richness and beauty that Africa has to offer is brought to light. We also hope […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Resilience Manifested: Congolese Women Fight Back against Rape 13 anni, 10 months ago
Resilience Manifested: Congolese Women Fight Back against Rape Many have expressed outrage about the recently published study in The American Journal of Public Health which estimates that women are being raped at a rate of nearly 1 every minute in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The study is even more alarming since it’s suggested that […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Del fiume Mississippi ricca storia culturale potrebbe Wash Away 13 anni, 10 months ago
Il fiume Mississippi è una parte importante di afro-americani e in generale della storia americana. Il fiume Mississippi si ergeva come un simbolo di liberazione e schiavitù sia per i neri nel profondo sud durante la schiavitù. The ports of the Mississippi River provided as a place to import African Slaves and also served as a place where Slaves […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Modern Language umana Orijinated in Africa 13 anni, 10 months ago
Biologist Dr. Quentin D. Atkinson from the University of Auckland in New Zealand recently published an article in the journal science detailing how phonetic clues imply that modern human language originated in Southern Western Africa. By looking at phonemes (the consonants, vowels and tones that are the simplest elements of language) and not words, Dr. Atkinson has […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Mothers are the Pillars of Society: Happy & Blessed Mother’s Day from Orijin 13 anni, 10 months ago
The Malawian proverb declares that “Mother is God number two”. Mothers are the pillars of society. They nurture, protect and guide their children and occupy a scared place on earth because they are the bearers of human life. Motherhood is also a scared component of a woman’s life. Most women often express the welcomed sense of […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Rapper Nas on amputee victims of the Liberian civil war 13 anni, 10 months ago
Rapper e attore Nasir bin Olu Dara Jones, aka Nas, non poteva contenere la sua emozione quando ha scoperto ha vinto un Emmy sportiva nazionale per il suo documentario ESPN "Survival 1." Accettando il premio, Nas ha proclamato "Dopo tutti questi anni di musica, I am honoured to have this be the first award I ever won […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Mi rifiuto di essere tagliato! : Mutilazione genitale femminile e le ragazze Pokot del Kenya 13 anni, 10 months ago
È questa cultura di rimanere 'As Is’ o per essere rivisitato? LEGGERE L'ARTICOLO COMPLETO e guardare i video prima di rispondere Sono persone che considerano la pratica delle mutilazioni genitali femminili (FGM) per essere 'a ritroso' solo ignoranti perché si affacciano sul significato culturale e tradizionale della pratica? Are some of us wrong deducing that FGM […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Qual è la tua definizione di 'Good Hair?" 13 anni, 10 months ago
Beauty brand Carol’s Daughter has released a brief video of the three recent new faces of their brand, singer/model Cassie, singer/DJ Solange and supermodel Selita Ebanks. All three women and their visibly varying hair textures represent the diversity inherent to Black hair. While hair maintenance is important to all women regardless of race, for many black women, […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: My Relationship with Bin Laden was Questioned because I Look Fully Black 13 anni, 10 months ago
Kola Boof, born Naima Bint Harith, was revealed to be Osama Bin Laden’s mistress in 2002. Before images of Boof were made public, very little was known about her, other than the fact that she is of Egyptian-Sudanese orijin. Based on this description, she argues that the American media “summoned visions of an Arab-raised aristocrat who […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Apartheid Exposed: Honouring South African Photographer Sam Nzima 13 anni, 10 months ago
Molti di noi non erano a conoscenza dello stato preoccupante di cose che si verificano in Sud Africa sotto il dominio apartheid finché non ci siamo trasferiti dalla foto preoccupante e straziante di morire Hector Pieterson, un colpo di 13 anni da parte della polizia durante il giugno 16, 1976 rivolta di Soweto. A powerful image of Hector dying in the arms of Mbuyisa […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: President “Sweet Micky” Martelly vrs The philosophy of Machiavelli 13 anni, 11 months ago
We have seen Reagan rise from an actor to President, Anold Schwarzenegger terminate his acting career to become governor, and now Michel “Sweet Micky” Martelly has made the transition from pop star to Haitian President. The culture of presidency is changing. It no longer functions in the traditional sense. Politics and its leaders are no […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Torn: Love or Family? 13 anni, 11 months ago
This video speaks volumes to the dilemmas many of us face. Whether we fall in love with someone of a different cultural, racial or religious background, we are always fearful of how members of our family or community will react when we deviate from paths we are expected to take. It’s never an easy decision when […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: IRAWMA Celebrates its 30th Year: Damian Marley, Gyptian, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj,Pitt Bull…. 13 anni, 11 months ago
The International Reggae and World Music Awards (IRAWMA) will celebrate its 30 th year on May 28 th, 2011 at the National Academy of the Performing Arts in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Founded by entrepreneur, publisher and TV personality Ephraim M. Martin, the IRAWMA is considered to be the only awards show to recognize the contributions of […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Sbiancamento della pelle e Vybz Kartel:Sig.. Vegas risponde con "Black and Proud (Bene Bleach) " 13 anni, 11 months ago
Artista Reggae Vybz Kartel è riuscita a innescare un dibattito globale sulla importanza di sbiancamento della pelle nelle comunità nere e non-bianchi. Egli ha anche risposto alle critiche sulla sua carnagione visibilmente accendino equiparando lo sbiancamento della pelle di una preferenza personale e nient'altro. His remarks and defense of skin bleaching have enraged many and […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: What is a family to you? : Orijin’s “Special Dedication To All My Family Dem!” 13 anni, 11 months ago
Big-up to all my islanders dem for this one! Meet Monsta, an up-and-coming hip-hop artist and reggae artist J-Boog, both of Samoan/Hawaiian backgrounds. Monsta has a crazy flow and J-Boog is making big waves in the reggae scene.“This is Love” expresses what many of us feel but sometimes forget to express. Family is the cornerstone of […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Real Music from the Soul is Back! Mateo is Orijin’s Featured Artist of the Day 13 anni, 11 months ago
While most of us have enjoyed the fast rhythms and catchy hooks of many of the popular songs today, many have been yearning for something more substantial and meaningful. We reminisce about the days when music was not only infectious; it also filled that unexplainable void. It touched the soul and enabled you to reach […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Nigerian Singer Becomes Chinese Pop Sensation | Bridging the Cultural Gap 13 anni, 11 months ago
We have all recently witnessed the surge of African music in North America and the rest of the world. Tuttavia, the story of 33-year-old Nigerian singer Emmanuel Uwechue takes the influence of African musicians to a whole new level. Uwechue rose to prominence in the Chinese pop world after singing love songs in the native […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: "One Blood, Un sangue, Un sangue!": Reggae Artist Junior Reid e il suo One Blood Famiglia aiutare a raccogliere fondi per il Giappone 13 anni, 11 months ago
Molti di noi conoscono Junior Reid per la sua hit 'One Blood.' La popolarità della canzone ha raggiunto un pubblico internazionale più ampio dopo artista hip hop The Game campionati e caratterizzato la canzone di Reid sulla sua hit 'E' Ok (Un sangue)'Dall'album Avvocato del medico in 2006. 'One Blood' esprime l'unità di tutti, indipendentemente di sfondi. Sticking true to […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: The voice of Steven Biko SPOKE: 13 anni, 12 months ago
“The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.”
~ Steven Biko
(Guarda il video) -
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: L'effetto Obama in Ghana: Presidente degli Stati Uniti Obama aiuta il turismo 14 years ago
U.S. il presidente Barack Obama è stato accreditato per il costante aumento di turisti che visitano Cape Coast in Ghana. Il paese dell'Africa occidentale è sede del Castello di Cape Coast, un importante ex schiavi forte. Il presidente Obama ha scelto il Ghana per la sua prima visita in Africa sub-sahariana, dopo essere stato eletto presidente nel 2009. Accompanied by his wife and […]
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