Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Chi fa pretesa di essere il Reggae capitale del mondo? Francia, Côte d’Ivoire or Japan? 13 anni, 8 months ago
Mentre la Giamaica è conosciuta come la culla della musica reggae, che non regge più il titolo di capitale del reggae f il mondo. Con leggende della musica reggae, come Bob Marley, Peter Tosh e Jimmy Cliff prendendo musica reggae e messaggio d'amore, pace e vibrazioni positive sulla scena mondiale, reggae music has become […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: "Fino a quando uccidono i nostri profeti?"Il caso di Marcus Garvey 13 anni, 8 months ago
“Emancipare voi stessi dalla schiavitù mentale….nessuno, ma noi stessi può liberare la nostra mente.” Queste parole di leggenda del reggae Bob Marley dalla sua canzone 'Redemption Song' sono alcune delle parole più potenti mai parlato. Tuttavia, what many of us do not know is that these very words were first spoken by a man Bob Marley looked up […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Tracing African’s (‘Sidis’) in South Asia [INDIA]: Connecting the Diaspora 13 anni, 8 months ago
While it is communally known that many African countries, including South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania have large populations of people who are of South Asian descent, there has been limited documentation about African descendants in South Asia. Africans arrived in South Asia under various circumstances. Although a significant amount of South Asians of African descent […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Fathers are Our Unsung Heroes: Happy Father’s Day from Orijin 13 anni, 9 months ago
Many of the discussions involving dads/fathers revolve around their absence and the negative impact it has on their child’s development. Tuttavia, many of us fail to acknowledge or celebrate the incredible fathers who not only fulfill their duties as role models for their children but who also provide an example for other fathers. To a large extent, […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Prima di Facebook è stato il “Talking Drum”. Bring back the Drums of Africa 13 anni, 9 months ago
Un tamburo non è solo un Drum. Per la maggior parte degli africani, la musica e la danza sono le espressioni ultimi della vita, cultura, storia e tradizione. Il tamburo, the main musical instrument, creates infectious sounds and rhythms inhibits ever single fiber in your body and transcends you to the spiritual world. While many people view the drum as merely being a […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Meet Amsale: Ethiopian Born Top Bridal Designer to the Stars 13 anni, 9 months ago
Ethiopian born couture bridal gown designer Amsale Aberra has become the ‘it’ designer for some of Hollywood’s most famous stars including Halle Berry, Selma Hyak and Julia Roberts, just to name a few. Hailing from the Ethiopia, Amsale notes that in her native country, she never envisioned being a designer because “in Ethiopia there were […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Giamaica: A Breeding Ground for Islamic Extremism? 13 anni, 9 months ago
Rampant poverty, unemployed youths, drugs, state wide corruption and gang violence are just some of the social ills that can lead to people searching for alternatives. One such alternative, as recently exposed by document released by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks, could be Islamist extremism for frustrated Jamaican youths. According to the leaked documents from Jamaica’s U.S. […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: “Marimba”: History, Culture and Discrimination in Ecuador. Afro-Descendants In Latin America Part 3 13 anni, 9 months ago
Nonostante l'avvento del colonialismo e di dover sopportare una discriminazione costante dal meticcio dominante e Criollo popolazioni, Afro ecuadoriani sono riusciti a mantenere una propria identità, profondamente radicata con la loro cultura africana e le tradizioni per quasi quattro secoli e mezzo. Unlike the Garifuna who strongly associates with and maintains a rather equal identification […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Winnie Mandela is not Mad at Jennifer Hudson but She is Mad Nonetheless! 13 anni, 9 months ago
Upon hearing that Jennifer Hudson, an American, was chosen to portray one of their most prominent and captivating figures, Winnie Madizki-Mandela, the the Creative Workers Union of South Africa lambasted Hollywood for undermining South Africa’s efforts to develop their own film industry. Hailed by many as the ‘mother of the nation’, Winnie Mandela’s life as […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Corporal Punishment: Abuso di minore o di una parte accettabile della Cultura? 13 anni, 9 months ago
"Mia madre mi manda indietro le Filippine perché lei pensa che io sia troppo rude. Ha detto che lei non mi può battere qui perché lei sarebbe nei guai. Lei mi manda indietro in modo che io possa essere insegnato il rispetto e la morale e ti picchiano per essere sicuri di imparare queste cose!" […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: RIP “Mama Sisulu”: One of South Africa’s ‘Greatest Stalwarts’ 13 anni, 9 months ago
The saying that ‘behind every successful man, there is a woman’ has been exemplified time and time against in South Africa during the struggle against Apartheid. Such was the case of Albertina Sisulu, un “colossus” of strength for her late husband Walter Sisulu against the Apartheid regime. Mama Sisulu’s late husband Walter has was a […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Io non sono africano! Il caso della Repubblica Dominicana: Afro- Discendenti in America Latina, parte 2 13 anni, 9 months ago
Sarà difficile per molti dominicani a negare la loro ascendenza africana al di fuori del loro paese perché per la maggior parte standard, soprattutto in Nord America e in Europa, molti di loro guardano e sono considerati 'Black'. Molte Domenicani possiedono caratteristiche phonotypical attribuiti a come 'neri' carnagioni più scure e capelli ricci. Tuttavia, the notion of ‘Blackness’ in […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Neighbors Stories: Da Africa occidentale ai Caraibi 13 anni, 9 months ago
La maggior parte dei bambini del Nord America imparano lezioni morali attraverso cartoni animati e libri di storia, tuttavia, nei Caraibi, impariamo queste lezioni attraverso racconti popolari trasmesse a noi dai nostri anziani. Come un bambino che cresce, Non vedevo l'ora per la mia nonna mi dicesse storie di Anansi. Mi meravigliai al suo / la sua bravura, envied its/ his seemingly indestructibleness and admired its/his ability […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Leader ispiratore del giorno: Braylon Edwards 13 anni, 9 months ago
It is refreshing to see men whose word is their bond. It is also inspiring to see that there are still athletes who display all of the qualities of a true role model. Such is the case of New York Jets wide receiver Braylon Edwards who made good on a promise he made a few years […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: RIP to the Orijinator of HIP Hop & Neo Soul: Gil Scott-Heron (Aprile 1, 1949 – May 27, 2011) 13 anni, 9 months ago
Gill Scott-Heron was an African American poet, activist, jazz, blues and soul musician. Many have credited him for developing the hip hop and neo soul music genres. Laden with messages of political activitism, Scott-Feron introduced the world to music and spoken word that was delivered in rapping and melismatic vocal styles. He was also an […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Perché siamo così disposti a lasciare i nostri Homelands Behind? 13 anni, 9 months ago
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: The Voice of the Garifuna : Afro–Descendants in Latin America Part 1 13 anni, 9 months ago
Al di fuori di Africa, America Latina, in particolare il Brasile, ha la più grande popolazione di afro-discendenti. L'identificazione e l'associazione di afro-discendenti in America Latina con le loro radici, storia e cultura variano da paese a paese. Qui a Orijin, la nostra missione è di facilitare la connessione di tutti discendenza africana attraverso la nostra cultura e la storia condivisa. We hope […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: The Orijin and power behind Beyonce’s Kwaito Dance Moves 13 anni, 9 months ago
We have seen “Heel Toe” in Reggae , “Harlem Shake” in Hip-Hop, “Dougie” e molti altri. However there is a arise of a new dance/music genre from Africa in the main stream called Kwaito Beyonce’s new video for ‘Who Run The World’ has only been out for a matter of days and everyone keep wanting […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Rap Music in Libya: Serving as a Mouthpiece for Change 13 anni, 9 months ago
Remember those days when rap and hip hop music were more than just catchy hooks, the bling and the nice whips? Remember when rap and hip hop had a purpose? When it served as the ultimate mouthpiece for the poor and oppressed masses? When rhyming was a skilled art that required the clever interplay of […]
Non cambiare wrote a new blog post: Who Run The World?….. Girls! 13 anni, 9 months ago
Beyonce recently released her much anticipated 1 st single off her upcoming album title ‘4.’ Known for songs about woman empowerment and endearment, Beyonce stays true to her core and affirms that girls run the world. While many women rule their households, their presence on the world stage has been few and far in-between. Men continue to dominate […]
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- La storia di un ragazzo del ghetto - Giugno 28, 2015
- The Rise of The Next Gen. Marley’s | Bob Marley’s grandsons (VIDEO) - Maggio 8, 2015
- Recuperare Anansi da Hollywood e riportarlo ai nostri racconti popolari - Marzo 25, 2015