Lauryn Hill released a sketch recording of “Black Rage,"–creatively spinning off the popular Sound of Music’s “My Favorite Things” with BLACK RAGE. –adding her voice to the number of voices speaking out on Mike Browns case.

[soundcloud url=””100%” height=”166″ iframe=true” /]

Black rage Lyrics.

BLACK RAGE is founded on two-thirds a person
Rapings and beatings and suffering that worsens,
Black human packages tied up with strings,
BLACK RAGE can come from these kinds of things.
BLACK RAGE is founded on blatant denial
Squeezed economics, subsistence survival,
Deafening silence and social control.
BLACK RAGE is founded on wounds on the soul!

When the dog bites
And the bee stings
And I’m feeling sad,
I simply remember all these kinds of things and then I don’t fear so bad!

BLACK RAGE is founded; who fed us self-hatred,
Lies and abuse, while we waited and waited?
Spiritual treason, this grid and its cages,
BLACK RAGE is founded on these kinds of things

BLACK RAGE is founded on draining and draining,
Threatening your freedom to stop your complaining.
Poisoning your water while they say it’s raining,
Then call you mad for complaining, complaining.
Old time bureaucracy drugging the youth,
BLACK RAGE is founded on blocking the truth!
Murder and crime, compromise and distortion,
Sacrifice, sacrifice who makes this fortune?
Greed, falsely called progress,
Such human contortion,
BLACK RAGE is founded on these kinds of things.

So when the dog bites
And the bee stings
And I’m feeling mad
I simply remember all these kinds of things and then I don’t fear so bad!

Free enterprise, is it myth or illusion?
Forcing you back into purposed confusion.
Black human trafficking or blood transfusion?
BLACK RAGE is founded on these kinds of things.
Victims of violence both psyche and body
Life out of context is living ungodly
Politiek, politiek
Greed falsely called wealth
BLACK RAGE is founded on denying of self!
Black human packages tied and subsistence
Having to justify your very existence
Try if you must but you can’t have my soul
BLACK RAGE is made by ungodly control

So when the dog bites
And the beatings
And I’m feeling so sad,
I simply remember all these kinds of things and then I don’t feel so bad

Geïnspireer deur Bob Marley se filosofie "Geen, maar onsself kan ons verstand bevry", Orijin is 'n unieke "Kultuur Brand" die koppeling van al-Afrikaanse afstammelinge saam deur dit Fashion merk < / a> en nadenke tydskrif ons lewenswyse wêreldwyd te beïnvloed ... pos sal net DRA Kultuur, SHARE Kultuur


Die volgende twee oortjies verander inhoud hieronder.
"Ek kan nie die wêreld verander nie, maar ek glo ek kan 'n positiewe impak op die een persoon 'n ander persoon te motiveer het, 'n verandering te beïnvloed. Ek glo ek en jy kan die wêreld te inspireer."