So you woke up this morning thinking about bills to pay, you are thinking about your family to feed, you are depressed about the girl you loved that left you last night, basically you are suffering, “YOU DEY SUFFER”.

You are not alone, trust me. I dey suffer, Cayayo dey suffer, Taxi driver dey suffer, musician dey suffer, international school boy dey suffer, government dey suffer, dish washer dey suffer, Obama dey suffer, Attah Mills dey suffer, Libya dey suffer, Ivory coast dey Suffer, my name is Mohammed so because of terrorist my name always dey suffer, Someone died yesterday so the mother dey suffer, You dey cry right now so you dey suffer, too much sin in the world so on the cross Jesus Christ suffer, but M.anifest says, You never no joy if you never had to suffer.

I seguenti due schede cambiano il contenuto sotto.
"Non posso cambiare il mondo, ma credo di poter avere un impatto positivo su una persona per motivare un'altra persona, per influenzare un cambiamento. Ti credo e posso ispirare il mondo."

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