NAACP and Hip-Hop Artist Drama “…Tobacco business”
"On one side these are young black men that are great business men, but on the other end it is like the tobacco business," . "In the end you get cancer." How should hip-hop be read in today's world? Should it be seen more like a Hollywood movie or storybook where lyrics can be explicitly crafted to tell a graphic story like "American Gangster by Denzel",where the use of words like the "f" and "s" words are not taken as an insult as it is understood when used in movies? Where sexuality not, pornography weighs the same weight as watching an award winning movie? If that is the case, how do we change and develop the mentality of the world to understand what the new hip-hop world is and not become a disciple of what rappers say or portray in their music? Will this minimize some of the violence or disrespect which has been claimed to be a result of rap music?