“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”– Desmond Tutu
The apartheid regime and battle to overcome it in South Africa will forever be entrenched in many of our minds of one of the most tragic yet inspirational struggles of our time. While apartheid brought about suffering and indignation to many, it also gave birth to some of the most inspirational and dynamic leaders. One such leader is world celebrated activist and former Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu. While his struggle against injustice, racism, homophobia, poverty, oppression and many of the other ills that plaque our societies started in his homeland of South Africa, Desmond Tutu has since taken his campaign to many parts of the world.
He is the recipient of many accolades including a Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, the Ghandi Peace Prize in 2005 and The Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009. His recent focus includes the fight against poverty in global south countries and various environmental issues. In addition to advocating for those without a voice, Desmond Tutu also encouraged a general need for human compassion and acceptance, even towards those who have committed injustices against you. In speaking about the treatment of whites who partook and advocated for the apartheid regime in South Africa, he encouraged his fellow South Africans to “be nice to the whites, they need you to rediscover their humanity.”
Desmond Tutu continues to stand as a true and positive example of our capabilities as human beings. His devotion, unrelenting compassion and passion to make this world a better place and his fight against injustice and oppression will forever cement him as one of the most inspirational leaders of all times. His commitment to the philosophy of Ubuntu which he describes as something that “speaks of the very essence of being human….the fact that my humanity is caught up and is inextricably bound up in yours” is something we should all strive to live by. Today, Orijin Culture celebrates the life of a man who has managed to captivate and change the world with kindness and compassion. Happy Birthday Archbishop Desmond Tutu…, ukhule njalo!”

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