As has been demonstrated by the story of “Le Mozart Noir” or “the black Mozart,” the arts have played and continue to play an integral role in the display and preservation of life and culture for African descendants. Thus, it’s imperative that we support and help cultivate the creative minds and talents within the Diaspora who are seeking to continue our legacy as a people through art. One such individual and artist is photographer Tasha Bleu. On speaking on the importance of the arts, she shared the following words:
They say “The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.” Well, the most talented individuals are in prison. that’s a fact. My friend who is a CO often tells me how every offender locked up in his prison is very skilled and paints, draws or even does his logos for his side business very well. The sad part is that they may never be able to share their God given gifts with the world. As a woman first and artist second, I never planned on being a photographer and I did not have the best life before realizing my gift. I now realize how in life, everything is an opportunity cost. Every moment of our time can be spent doing something else; something for ourselves or something for the world to keep after we’re gone. One thing we all have is time, until our individual clocks stop. Many people my age, are now VERY into the arts with the help of the internet and many of them need guidance but whether they are photographers, musicians, painters, designers or tree shapers…it is an opportunity cost. Remember, people can be out here shooting people with guns instead of shooting people with cameras and people forget how much EASIER it is to take that route. Art is not only good for the soul but when you live in a place where all of your friends are dead or in jail…art is also an escape from reality. As they are taking art out of schools, keep art close to home.
Appreciate all you can while you can,
Through her KickStarter campaign A Dollar & A Dream, Bleu has embarked on a mission to promote the arts by collaborating with 11 other females from LA to RI. If successful in her mission they will come together in NYC “to put on a free to the public event to inspire others of our generation and to foster social change through the use of colorful artwork during a dark time in music and fashion.”
To make this event possible, Blue is required to raise a minimum of $3000.00 to help cover the costs of travel, supplies and hosting of the event. You can show your support for the arts and this amazing and inspirational project and artist by donating to the campaign. It only takes “A Dollar & A Dream.”

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