September 11th, 2001 will forever remain entrenched in the minds of most Americans and the rest of the world as it remains a watershed event in modern-day history.
It has been exactly three-thousand six-hundred fifty-two days since planes hijacked by the militant group al-Qaeda crashed into America’s most iconic and symbolic buildings – the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre. These terrorists also hijacked and crashed jets into a field in Skanksville, Pennsylvania and into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.
Thousands of lives were lost – 2749 to be exact. However, thousands more were lost fighting the war on terror and millions more were destroyed and turned upside down. September 11th, 2001 forced Americans and the rest of the world to question their position in the world and in many ways, fostered an unprecedented sense of insecurity and paranoia.
May the souls of the 2749 lives lost and the souls of those who were brave enough to fight to protect such an event from ever happing again rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are also with those who have lost a loved one as a result of this tragic event.
The Kanuri proverb makes us aware of the fact that “the pillar of the world is hope.” While September 11th, 2001 left many of us in despair and forced our level of tolerance, it is imperative that we maintain HOPE. It seems like yesterday, but 10 years have passed and although it’s difficult for many of us to move on and regain the sense of security and protection many of us felt prior to the tragic event, we should also allow for reflection and re-evaluate or understanding and position in the world. If we remain hopeful for the better and practice tolerance in a time when it is most tested, then we can progress and expect the best.
As we remember and reflect, I leave you with the following quote by the great American novelist and scholar Mr. Ralph Ellison:
“America is woven of many strands. I would recognize them and let it so remain. It’s ‘winner take nothing’ that is the great truth of our country or of any country. Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat. Our fate is to become one, and yet many — This in not prophecy, but description.”

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